Finance and M&A




  • M&A advisory
  • Due diligence 
  • Fairness opinion
  • Incorporation
  • Leveraged/management buy out and buy-in transactions
  • Corporate reorganisations
  • Company valuations and expert assessments

Finance and M&A

Finance and M&A, extraordinary transactions, fairness opinions and legal advice.

The growth of our businesses and our clients requires special financial interventions, and has led to a trend of establishing alliances, mergers and joint ventures.

The firm is actively and pro-actively involved in the formulation of strategies and the study of special finance operations, from the phase in which they are analysed and conceived, to the scouting and corporate, governance and tax strategies required for their implementation.

Our approach, which is primarily based on in-depth knowledge of the client, the markets and the competitors, allows us to advise and monitor the client with regard to the development of internal organisational mechanisms and the proper integration of external entities to be acquired or disposed of.

We’re capable of adapting our services as required based on the Work Team’s level of expertise and internal and external collaboration, depending on the size and calibre of the operation.

Our firm’s work is results-oriented and is subject to a rigorous process of evaluation and self-evaluation.

In addition to providing assessments, fairness opinions and appraisals of industrial companies, tangible and intangible assets (brands, etc.), we also draw up managerial incentive plans (stock grants, vesting shares, phantom shares, etc.), and provide value assessments for the purposes of acquisitions, mergers and other extraordinary financial transactions.

We provide: Independent opinions and certifications to the board and the shareholders with regard to transactions between related parties; Opinions on the fairness of the exchange ratio (2501-sexies of the Italian Civil Code), on the sustainability of debt in LBO transactions (2501-bis of the Italian Civil Code), and withdrawal value (2437 et seq., 2473 and 2535 of the Italian Civil Code); and Appraisal estimates for contributions (2343, 2343-ter and 2465 of the Italian Civil Code) and on the issue price for share capital increases (2441 of the Italian Civil Code).